Road Closed - From Altarnun Road To Junction South East Of Trelawny Barton,
10 February 2025

Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 S.14: Temporary Prohibition of Traffic

Location: Road From Altarnun Road To Junction South East Of Trelawny Barton, Altarnun, Launceston

Timing: 28th February 2025 to 28th February 2025 (09:30 to 15:30 hours)

Contact: Sunbelt Rentals Ltd on 0370 0500 792, email:

The above closure has been approved. Please click the following link to view a map and associated documents:

Cleaning contractors required!
06 February 2025

Altarnun Parish Council is inviting quotations for the cleaning of the Public Conveniences situate at Riverside, Altarnun, Cornwall every Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Contractors are to give quotes stating charges per annum (payment structure to be agreed). The quote should also outline how they are going to do the work and also how they are going to ensure that their work is carried out safely with minimal risk to both them and members of the public. They should also give details of their public liability insurance, employers liability insurance (if they employ other staff) and any relevant qualifications they have for operating within the sector. Please respond to the clerk by 28th March 2025. Contact by email or phone as noted above.

2023/24 Annual Parish Council Report
20 May 2024

During the past year Craig has served successfully once again as chair. He extends huge thanks to his fellow councillors for their friendship and support throughout the year and has included three new co-opted councillors, Matthew Halls, Glyn Pooley & Steven Masters who replaced Polly Smith, Rob Anderson & Lauren Coles. Our thanks go to the outgoing councillors and hope the incoming will seek re-election next year.

Likewise, Altarnun’ s relationship with our Divisional member, Cornwall Councillor Adrian Parsons, is second to none and all the hard work that Adrian undertakes on our behalf is invaluable. We are grateful for his attendance at our monthly meetings and they would be much poorer in his absence.

Once again, we are delighted that so many members of the public have given their time to attend our meetings and again make invaluable contributions to sometimes challenge, but more commonly to help support the Parish Council’s effort. Long may this continue, with the hall being filled every month and once again, thanks to all.

The years successes for the parish have seen the Trewint Fibre Broadband project come to fruition and will be a major benefit. The completion of the new residential homes at Gratton Field/ Farriers Close, which has delivered much needed housing through Cornwall Homechoice and we hope that local people will continue to benefit.

From other development that has taken place over the last few years we continued to receive funds from the Community Infrastructure Levy and in looking at ways to benefit the Parish have undertaken the renewal and upgrade of our street furniture and most notably the new noticeboards rolled out in December.

We will continue to explore where remaining funds left in the coffers will provide the most benefit.

Planning consultations maintained a high profile at our monthly meetings, and I am pleased to report that the council gave support to 81% of the 37 applications for which we were invited to make a consultee comment. Objectivity as ever played a key part in members debates on cases that posed a potential issue and the comments made. At the end of the day it is the LPA who decides based on the national policy framework and the all-important Local Plan.

Our campaign for safer highways continues in liaison with Adrian to force an upgrade to the A30 at Plusha.

Also this past year we have tried force change at Penpont View to generally improve the estate but seem to be cutting through layers of red tape but remain positive that some functions can be devolved to APC from Cornwall Council in the not too distant future with some additional funding.

Prudent financial management through our reserves policy and the continued receipt of Community Infrastructure Levy grant monies allow us to be in a satisfactory place but with rising costs and more financial commitments it is likely we will need to call for more public money to support our expenditure going forward. Currently we survive on £14000 per annum and supplement this with our reserves. Obviously that situation cannot continue indefinitely, but it is worth noting that the precept has remained unaltered for the last 5 years, maybe we can eek it out for 6. Our annual budget will be reviewed towards the end of 2024 when we will call for our 2025/26 precept in December.

In closing a special mention for our local hero Paul Smart who works tirelessly around the parish maintaining the landscape, the cemeteries in Altarnun and Bolventor, our footpath network, our defibrillator, and so much else.

Also, thanks to Peter & Trish Allen for everything they do to make sure the council succeeds and is well publicised.

Finally, thanks to all the residents who feel comfortable to engage with our councillors outside of meetings is another key line of communication, in order for us to facilitate remedial works, some general change and getting information to make Altarnun safer.

That all said the next parish meeting should be held on 7th May 2025.

Cornwall Cllr Adrian Parsons Annual Report 2023/24
20 May 2024

In what can only be described as another frustrating twelve months in opposition we have witnessed another period under the Conservatives administration where the people of Cornwall have had to put up with further cuts to our services with council tax increases of 4.99% at the maximum allowed rate.

This at a time when so many households are struggling with the cost of living crisis and the burden of higher interest rates. For a long time now it has been clear to most of us that Cornwall Council cannot continue to raise council tax annually by the maximum permitted whilst cutting services, when so many just can’t afford it. Unless there is a fundamental shift in how local government is financed, including a fairer funding formula, it is only a matter of time before we face the same severe financial problems that other councils are faced with today.

Locally it’s becoming increasingly obvious the impact the Highways budget cuts are having on our roads, with a noticeable deterioration over the winter, with many more potholes opening up and many improvement schemes just being pushed further back as the necessary funding is no longer there to carry out the work. The recent update on the A388 highlighted this, as it was incredibly disappointing to be told that most of the maintenance works along this stretch of road are now complete with the remainder planned, we expected much more. CC have said “We have adopted a risk based approach to highway maintenance, and this and our service standards are set out in the Highway Maintenance Manual (HMM). We are prioritising spend on carriageway maintenance and capital lining works this coming year. When the accident list for this financial year becomes available, we will look at the causation for accidents and will prioritise treatment where maintenance (or lack of maintenance) factors may have been a possible contributing factor. With a network of some 7300km of carriageway to maintain and given all of the A388 recommendations have now been addressed or will be imminently addressed, we cannot commit to specific further funding for this corridor, only that we will continue to maintain it in accordance with our statutory duty following the risk-based approach as set out in the HMM”. Those who live locally know just how dangerous this road is and, to me, this response is a cop out, caused purely by the stringent cuts to the budget. By hiding behind the highway maintenance manual, it is becoming clear the council are reaching a point where their spend will be the bare minimum they can get away with on repairing our roads to meet their statutory obligations!

Still little progress in recent times has been made at Plusha, with a number of serious accidents happening over the last 12 months, we still await an announcement from National Highways to make drastic safety improvements.

Despite all the difficulties we have managed to deliver some positives. After six years of trying to find a new site to deliver a fit for purpose library in Launceston, to replace the old building which has fallen into a poor state of repair, Cornwall Council purchased the old Barclays Bank building in the Town Square. The building will provide a multi-use hub site for the library service, registrar and information centre, ideally located in the centre of town allowing accessibility for all. It will preserve and make good use of this landmark town building, whilst safeguarding the library and registration service for Launceston.

Some other additional good news, was that local business man Michael Davey stepped in to save Launceston Leisure centre from closure, it was always expected that Cornwall Council when giving up their tenancy, should hand the building back in the same condition as when they took it on all those years ago. Following a business plan for the centre being presented to Cornwall Council and much negotiation, they have now agreed to a three year financial package of £792000 to go towards the improvements which need to be made, such as a new roof and improved energy efficiency. Steady progress is being made with the recently seen planning permission granted for a new café with expansion of the premises. Again when we are seeing so many leisure providers grappling with high running costs, this news has been most welcomed. One would hope securing it’s future, whilst keeping a swimming pool in our town for future generations to use.

We also had to deal with Cornwall Council proposing to cut the free school transport for children attending Launceston College from South Petherwin, Tregadillett and a number of other routes across Cornwall. So it was a relief when the Conservative administration finally caved in and were forced to make another spectacular U-turn. The most recent review had caused a great deal of anxiety and upset for all children and families involved, clearly the routes highlighted were far from safe for children to be walking, along narrow lanes with no footways or street lighting. After intense lobbying from our local councillors and responses received by local residents to the recent public consultation, they changed their stance and thankfully common sense has prevailed.

As we head into the final year of this administration, my concern is how much further and harder can those at the helm cut into our vital services. We are told they will continue delivering vital services for residents despite the fiscal pressures faced by local government across the country. The details include a net increase of around £37m in spending on care for Adults and Children in Cornwall. In addition, there is a near £9m net increase built in in respect of Home to School Transport and around £7m to support Temporary and Emergency Accommodation reflecting the significant demand pressures being experienced in these areas.

In desperation now the cabinet are looking to sell off 2000 of our stunning Cornish beaches, green spaces, carparks and many more of our most loved places across the Duchy to save and raise money. The Council’s Cabinet have been very clear that they are financially struggling and need to make £2 million this year from offloading our publicly owned assets. Even Newquay Airport, Spaceport and the 650 acres that surround it are at risk!

The Cabinet say that their preference would be to transfer the sites to the National Trust, English Heritage and other organisations to look after them out of their charity funds. This example has been replicated over and over again in the past with toilets, libraries, art galleries, theatres and parks in Cornwall. More often than not when Cornwall Council has wanted to offload them Town councils have had to step in. That means that Town councils have had to raise the money to look after them, so the taxpayer is still ultimately paying for it. In reducing Cornwall Council’s responsibility for running so many of these local assets, local taxpayers are also getting less value for their money from ever-increasing tax rises from Cornwall Council. Locally, Kit Hill is one of our most iconic landmarks, which is also under Cornwall Councils control, whatever happens, we must ensure this public space remains open and free for all to visit and enjoy!

We will again see the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry, tolls rise from £2.60 to £3.00 for cars with a caveat that, if more funding is secured from Westminster, the toll rises could be cancelled. Again it feels like many further down west don’t understand the impact this has on those of us who live in the East of Cornwall.

The recent rise in car parking charges continues to add concern, it had been hoped these charges would be reversed but this never materialised, with concerns raised from those who shop, live or have businesses both in the towns of Callington and Launceston. The first issue was the general decision which increases the first hour charges in the main Car Parks. Cornwall Council has, for many years, lauded themselves as protectors of Town Centre Vitality, however they have backed a decision which could hit market town centres badly.

In Callington when the Coop was in the main car park, a deal had been agreed which saw them effectively pay the 1 hour charge to encourage people to use the town centre. When they left, this was expected to continue with the new tenants B&M but this failed to materialise, now this has again been reviewed and the council are disappointingly going to be reintroducing the charge.

Also in the not to distant future we will see the roll out of the new waste and recycling collections for our area, hopefully by the time it reaches us some of the teething issues experienced in other areas will have been ironed out!

In what has been a challenging period we must continue to hold this administration to account where we can. Again I am extremely grateful to be able to work with Parish Councils who are determined to succeed. Whilst also under the newly formed Tamar to Moor Network Panel area I am extremely fortunate to have committed Cornwall Councillors in John Conway, Adam Paynter, Dorothy Kirk and Andrew Long to work alongside. Whilst all being from different political persuasions we are determined to do our best for the area we represent.

Annual Parish Meeting 2024 Reports - Local organisations
19 May 2024

Altarnun Chatterbox

Usually well attended with up to 22 participants at the village hall, bi monthly for 2 hours, who enjoy something to eat that each other have brought along and combine with bric a brac sales. Open to all ages but typically from 45 up to 96!

Craft & Produce Market

Another thriving event at the Church Hall held on the 2nd Saturday of the month, 10-12.30 pm throughout the year, usually consisting of 16/18 stalls taken entirely by people from the parish, selling a a whole spectrum of things, including locally grown produce, plants, greeting cards, hand made toys, woodwork items, jewellery, soaps and honey. All proceeds from the stall holders pitch fee go towards the halls' maintenance.

Community Lunches

Run weekly by willing volunteers and helpers , from May to September in the Church Hall. 40/60 covers served per week and prices are maintained as low as possible, with surplus funds going toward the church hall renovations. People come from all over Cornwall and have included a group of Lambretta riders, various walking groups and even visitors from Australia & Saudi!

Knit and Natter Group

Consists of up to 20 members who meet in the church hall, for 2 hour sessions. Numbers are on the increase, and all enjoy the company of each other, with refreshments being served. As well as being a social outlet where members can be given assistance in learning new skills, they also knit toys and decorate clothes in aid of charitable causes. In the year to date funds collected have allowed donations of shampoo, shower gel etc to the Launceston Hospital Hygiene Bank. Also, at the community lunches and Craft & Produce market days the group runs a 'Bargain Corner' to raise funds for the hall.

Church Hall Renovation Committee

The hall is becoming used more than ever by local community, social and theatre groups and as a children's party venue. There is a need to maintain the various fund raising initiatives to continue the renovation work.

Penpont Players

After the lull from COVID, we lost several members who had been part of family groups. The 3 years without performing had led many to move on to new interests or had simply grown out of it. We came back with a play in November 2022, and then looked forward to building our membership back up. We held some workshops in early 2023, pulling in new people who got a taste of what we did as a Am-dram society. Some stayed to join us in our first pantomime since COVID. Rehearsals began in October 2023 and we performed in February 2024. It was a very successful pantomime, and we were sold out every night.

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel plans for a play due to some of the cast’s family commitments. There is breakfast morning coming up in June and we already starting to think about next year’s pantomime! Thanks to Adrian Parsons and the Community Chest fund to help purchase new laptops. These are invaluable for writing and technical planning. The next project is looking at funding to help repair the staging, as this is no longer working properly. We will be at Fun on the Green and participating in the Fun Fortnight.

Friends of Altarnun School

It was a busy autumn term with a Harvest Auction (£2000), Halloween Trail in the village, burgers at Laneast’s Firework night, a wreath making workshop, and a Christmas Fair and raffle. This term we have had a clothes collection, Lambing Bingo and we look forward to summer events such as a Duck Race, a Breakfast morning, Bingo and Fun on the Green. From these events, we have funded new picnic benches at school, subsidised school trips inc. pantomime in Plymouth, and lots of smaller things to help give the children some fun and treats. We aim to support the school through learning and play, giving all the children school resources as well as fun treats and events that round out their childhood experience.

Altarnun Village Show

With a committee of 8 people who organise and run the Village Show which will take place this August in the Church Hall.

There is adequate financing in place, and judges for the classes have been selected and a list of classes has been published in a previous Tre Pol Pen. The official schedule will be available soon.

Tre Pol Pen Magazine

The magazine continues to be popular with sales of about 175 per month and is financially secure. Despite rising costs, the 48 page all colour magazine, the management committee has maintained its cover price at 75p and is not planning any price increase this year.

Whilst a committee of 5 manages the magazine, there are 25 regular another 5 occasional contributors making it a truly local magazine. It continues to publicise details of all upcoming events in the community as well as provide updates on village organisations. The general interest articles and puzzles remain popular.

The magazine is well supported by local advertisers and the business directory format continues to work well for readers and advertisers. The majority of advertisers have had entries in the magazine for between 5 and 10 years.

The most significant risk to the future of the magazine is the lack of a deputy editor to assist with putting the magazine together each month and providing cover in the event of the editor being ill or away. In due course the current editor will stand down and, if the magazine is to continue to support the community, a replacement will be needed.

Altarnun Walkers

Despite the very wet winter the walkers have only cancelled 4 walks in the last 12 months. The group is casual with no formal membership with anyone welcome to come along on a Thursday morning for a 2 – 3 hour walk, finishing with lunch, usually at the Kings Head, for those who wish to. Attendances vary from 6 – 18 and average around a dozen. The group has about 40 regular and another 20 occasional walking routes within about 20 miles of Altarnun.

Since 2010 the group has tended not to use the local footpath network as lack of maintenance of stiles and bridges from 2008 onwards made many routes difficult to traverse especially for groups of varying levels of mobility. When there has been heavy rain the group walks routes with good, well maintained paths and tracks, lanes or on well drained moorland and avoids field and woodland paths.

Altarnun Twinning Association

Altarnun and Gueltas in Brittany twinned in 2009 but over the last 12 months there has been no exchange activity. Brexit and Covid were challenges for all twinning groups. The increasing costs of travel and post Brexit bureaucracy around passports have made it more difficult to organise exchange visits.

There have been several attempts to restart the link between the schools in Gueltas and Altarnun without success. In the past the children have learned about their twin community with exchanges of pictures, letters, videos etc with some basic language lessons all with head teachers co-operating to provide stimulating shared teaching materials. The ultimate objective is to give pupils from both communities the opportunity to visit their twin school but also to provide pupils in both schools with a better understanding of each other’s way of life.

The Twinning Association in Altarnun will stay in contact with the Comite de Jumelage in Gueltas with both organisations writing articles for the other’s community magazine and the chairmen of the two organisations meeting a couple of times a year. It is hoped that a small group from Altarnun can go to Gueltas in late 2024 or early 2025 and that after the elections the new Mayor of Gueltas will visit Altarnun.

Altarnun Local History Society

Altarnun Local History Society has almost 30 members and has had held 10 meetings in the last year and 9 of which we welcomed guest speakers. The talks attended by an average of 25 members and visitors, have been well received and subjects included the Suffragette movement in the southwest, Cornish smuggling fact and fiction, mining at Minions and why the Romans were in Cornwall. The society looks after the village archives gathering and documenting items of historic interest that residents find as well as trying to record what is happening now for future generations to look back upon. The society has received several enquiries from genealogists and local historians via its entry on the British Association of Local Historians resulting in extra visitors to the village from as far away as South Australia. With a strong membership, a full 12 months of talks booked, stable finances and good local support, the society has a bright future.

Altarnun Village Hall

The Village Hall Management Committee have provided the village with a warm, clean, safe, well maintained and affordable venue for community events and society meetings for another 12 months. Hire rates are being increased to £6.50 from November 1st 2024 to ensure that hire income continues to cover all basic running costs including utilities, insurance, cleaning, licences and routine maintenance. Improvements and major repairs will be funded from grants, fundraising and the hall’s reserves. The hall is financially secure despite letting hours continuing at about 75% of pre-covid levels. Usage is gradually increasing which will help keep hire rates down. The Hall complies with best practice for H&S and safeguarding and is fully compliant with Charity Commission requirements for management and reporting. The Committee are investigating options for heating the hall to minimise carbon emissions recognising that the existing boiler is now 12 years old and may well need replacing before the 2035 moratorium on installing new oil fired boilers comes into force. The committee is continuing to monitor the government’s proposed Terrorism (protection of premises) bill as under current proposals the hall would need to have procedures in place and regularly updated to deal with a terrorist attack.

A major risk for the operation of the hall is possibility of key officers retiring. Currently there is a need to replace both the H&S Officer and Bookings Secretary from November 1st. The Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and Maintenance/Fire Officer are now over 70 and it is not unreasonable for them to wish to retire in the not too distant future. Succession planning is proving difficult!

Altarnun Fun Fortnight

The Village Hall Committee managed the Village’s August Fun Fortnight in 2023 and will do so again in 2024. Feedback from 2023 indicated that the spreading everything over two weeks rather than just one allowed people to attend more events. The Village Show Committee, Altarnun Parish Church, clubs, societies and individuals are all working together to ensure it brings the community together in 2024 as it has in previous years.

Fun on the Green

Now in it's 6th year after being rained off in 2023. Hopefully that will be all different this year with the event due to be held on 6th July. A fantastic community event and volunteers to help out are always required, please.

Altarnun Christmas Lights

Altarnun’s Christmas Lights have become a mid-winter ‘must see’ for locals and people from further afield. In December 2023 there was a switch on event which with the support of Andie and Adam from the Coffee Cup attracted a big crowd. Additional volunteers to set up and dismantle the lights have joined the team and with the financial support voted through by the parish council and the high level of local support, it is hoped this year’s display and switch on will be even better than in 2023 and give the community a fun event before Christmas.

Altarnun Table Tennis Club

Meets every Tuesday morning from 9.30 until 12.30. We operate a system/or on the basis of that the morning is table tennis and also a friendly social gathering. We provide all the equipment including bats and balls with a tea/coffee/biscuits or cake if supplied by a birthday member. The membership/attendees are in the main retired with ages from about 60/65 to 80+ and we get between 12 to 20 most Tuesdays. We play doubles mainly because the older the member the less mobile they are. The game is reported as being an excellent recreation for the elderly. We are open to all regardless of ability and will encourage their play by giving simple coaching on stroke play and tactics. We are delighted that we have welcomed and made the lads and carers from a local care establishment and that they enjoy their Tuesday mornings playing as part of the ATTC. We also play on Thursday evenings and the occasional Friday evening in an attempt to be open to those in the community who work during the day. This is a bit more serious but still played in a good friendly way. It is disappointing that the locals have yet to come in any number but we are gaining a reputation and get regular attendees from Launceston and Camelford as well as the local villages. Any donation to replace worn equipment would be most welcome as a net and post costs £60 and we need 3 as well as bats which cost about £12.00 each and we need 8 replacements.

Altarnun Bell Ringing

A few years ago after some ringers left the area and others had to retire from ringing we were struggling to get a band of 6 to ring at church services and every other special occasion. We now have an enthusiastic band of 6 plus a few who travel to ring on the occasional Sunday. We manage to practice most Wednesdays and all who ring think it is fun whilst they continue to try to improve. We ring the bells half muffled every remembrance Sunday which we think creates an atmosphere of reflection. We also ring for weddings when asked by the bride and groom for a fee. This small fee represents the 2hours given up on the wedding day by each ringer. It is the only fee ever charged by the bell ringers as all other ringing is voluntary. We are always looking to teach/train new ringers as although what might seem an easy job takes quite a while to ring the bell safely under your control. We hope to ring on the 80th anniversary of the D Day landings on the 6th June this year. We always welcome anyone who wants to see what we do as this might produce an interest to learn to ring.

Altarnun Short Mat Bowls

Club membership drive successful, and a second weekly session established on a Friday 7:30 -9:30 to give access to those who cannot attend the 2:00 - 4:00 Wednesday sessions. Club competitions are well supported and Club had its 30th anniversary lunch and awards ceremony in late April.Membership now over 20 and it remains a very social club which would be delighted to have membership rise further. Just turn up at the hall if you would like to have go!

Nonnas Crafters

Another Church Hall group organisation aimed at teaching general and unusual craft skills from the professionals. Again all are welcome and the group can be found on Facebook.

Altarnun Village Show

Our preparations for the annual Altarnun Village Show are well under way with a new schedule decided and the date is set for Sunday 18th August 2024. Our entries were up last year (2023) from the previous year (2022) and we are hopeful to repeat this “trend” this year.In order for us to continue into future years we will soon be looking at ways to increase revenue through grants and/or sponsorship but no decisions have yet been made.

Altarnun Brownies

Altarnun Brownies started in 1981 and last year I received my 30 years long service award from the Girl guiding UK. At present we have a group of 12 girls aged 7-11 years old. I run the meeting with help from parents on a rota. Over the last 12 months some girls have been awarded their Collecting, Baking, Painting, Performing, Dancing, Grow you own, Aviation and Zero waste badges. We made and sent a Coronation card to the King and Queen and received a thank you letter in return. All the Brownies received a Girl guiding Coronation badge. In November we took part in the Parliament Week event ( a national event for youth groups),this was our 7th year. We discussed the reasons why we have laws and how they are made in Parliament. Again another badge this time in the shape of a bell.

Moorland Art Group

The group has been in existence in the village for well over 40 years and we meet in the village hall on the third Thursday of the month with exception to February when it is the 4th week to make way for the dramatics group. At Christmas we usually go out for Christmas dinner and don’t paint. We have a couple of demonstrations or workshops by outside artists which is occasionally open to visitors. We have 16 members at the present tim e and we hold an Summer exhibition and sale in August for 8 days it used to be in Altarnun Church hall however last year we moved to Pipers Pool Community Hub as they have Wi Fi available and a lot of people prefer to use a credit or debit card which is not possible in the church hall in Altarnun. The group also hold a 1 day exhibition at Christmas in the Village Hall in Altarnun, both of which were a success.

We are not experiencing any problems with membership or the need for new officers at the moment but we are always open to new members joining us. We say to come along to one of our meetings and see if you think that you would like to join us.

D-Day 80th Anniversary Remembrance Group

The group are finalising plans for an event being held on 8th June 2024 at the Churh Hall. More volunteers and exhibits would be welcome.

Our Parish Church - St Nonna with Bolventor

Within the Three Rivers Benefice which is part of the Trigg Major Deanery. The Benefice consists of six churches, forming a large pastoral ministry across the rural villages that lie in the south and southwest of Launceston and takes its name from the three principal rivers, the Tamar, Inny and Lynher. The wedding diary at St Nonna’s is filling up again, with 8 booked for 2024and similar popularity is being experienced with Revd Antony’s ‘Breakfast Church’ and Great Debate which are initiatives to deliver new ways to make the church inviting and accessible as well as getting to grips with big life issues. The youth group has been re-launched and there is a library now available to the membership.

Plusha junction Action Group

Centring on the road safety issues at Plusha junction the call remains for local people to group together and call for a radical change in the road layout on the A30 rather than allowing a low cost fix that would inevitable see traffic diverted off the A30 and through villages to the south and also through Five Lanes. A strong lobby group is called for to get in front of those prepared to listen and help.

Vacancy in Role of Councillor - Co-Option
29 January 2024


The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors have not been received and the Council can now fill the casual vacancy, created by the resignation of Lauren Coles, by co-option.

The council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve provided they are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union (subject to amended regulations now in place), and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.

Provided the person also satisfies at least ONE of the following they may apply.

• They are registered as a local government elector for the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land, or premises in the parish.

• Their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it.

They must also be 18 years or older on the day they become nominated for election.

Written expressions of interest from persons wishing to serve as a councillor need to be submitted to the Clerk of the council within 21 days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays).

The closing date for the written submission of interest is 26th February 2024 and following that date the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Signed: Robin Turner,

Altarnun Parish Clerk, The Holly, School Hill, High Street, PL267TP

Tel: 07841780397


Notice Date: 29th January 2024.

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor
11 December 2023

Please see notice attached

Vacancy in Role of Councillor - Co-Option
01 September 2023

The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors have not been received and the Council can now fill the casual vacancy, created by the resignation of Rob Anderson, by co-option.

The council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve provided they are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union (subject to amended regulations now in place), and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.

Provided the person also satisfies at least ONE of the following they may apply.

• They are registered as a local government elector for the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land, or premises in the parish.

• Their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it.

They must also be 18 years or older on the day they become nominated for election.

Written expressions of interest from persons wishing to serve as a councillor need to be submitted to the Clerk of the council within 21 days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays).

The closing date for the written submission of interest is 29th September 2023 and following that date the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Signed: Robin Turner

Date: 1st September 2023

Altarnun Parish Clerk, The Holly, School Hill, High Street, PL267TP


Vacancy in Role of Councillor - Co-Option
06 July 2023



The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors have not been received and the Council can now fill the casual vacancy, created by the resignation of Rob Anderson, by co-option..

The council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve provided they are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union (subject to amended regulations now in place), and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.

Provided the person also satisfies at least ONE of the following they may apply.

• They are registered as a local government elector for the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land, or premises in the parish.

• Their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it.

They must also be 18 years or older on the day they become nominated for election.

Written expressions of interest from persons wishing to serve as a councillor need to be submitted to the Clerk of the council within 21 days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays).

The closing date for the written submission of interest is 4th August 2023 and following that date the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Signed: Robin Turner

Date: 6th June 2023

Altarnun Parish Clerk, The Holly, School Hill, High Street, PL267TP


Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor
08 June 2023
Vacancy in Role of Councillor - Co-Option
05 June 2023



The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors have not been received and the Council can now fill the casual vacancy by co-option..

The council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve provided they are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union (subject to amended regulations now in place), and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.

Provided the person also satisfies at least ONE of the following they may apply.

• They are registered as a local government elector for the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land, or premises in the parish.

• Their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it.

They must also be 18 years or older on the day they become nominated for election.

Written expressions of interest from persons wishing to serve as a councillor need to be submitted to the Clerk of the council within 21 days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays).

The closing date for the written submission of interest is 3rd July2023 and following that date the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Signed: Robin TurnerDate: 5th June 2023

Altarnun Parish Clerk, The Holly, School Hill, High Street, PL267TP


Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor
12 May 2023

Cllr Polly Smith has resigned creating a casual vacancy.

Please see attached notice

Emergency Alerts test this Sunday!
23 April 2023

The UK government’s new Emergency Alerts system is now live. The system will enable people to be contacted via their mobile phone if lives are in danger.

You should keep alerts switched on for your own safety, but if you're concerned about an alert sounding on a secret device, it is possible to opt out.

Search your settings for ‘emergency alerts’.
Turn off ‘severe alerts’ and ‘extreme alerts’.

More information on how it works, can be found here.

Vacancy in Role of Councillor - Co-Option
22 November 2022



The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors have not been received and the Council can now fill the casual vacancy by co-option.

The council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve provided they are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union (subject to amended regulations now in place), and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.

Provided the person also satisfies at least ONE of the following they may apply.

• They are registered as a local government elector for the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land, or premises in the parish.

• Their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it.

They must also be 18 years or older on the day they become nominated for election.

Written expressions of interest from persons wishing to serve as a councillor need to be submitted to the Clerk of the council within 21 days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays).

The closing date for the written submission of interest is 20th December 2022 and following that date the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Signed: Robin Turner, Altarnun Parish Clerk, The Holly, School Hill, High Street, PL267TP

Date: 22nd November 2022

Tel: 07841780397


Vacancy in Role of Councillor - Co-Option
22 November 2022



The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors have not been received and the Council can now fill the casual vacancy by co-option.

The council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve provided they are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union (subject to amended regulations now in place), and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.

Provided the person also satisfies at least ONE of the following they may apply.

• They are registered as a local government elector for the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land, or premises in the parish.

• Their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it.

They must also be 18 years or older on the day they become nominated for election.

Written expressions of interest from persons wishing to serve as a councillor need to be submitted to the Clerk of the council within 21 days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays).

The closing date for the written submission of interest is 20th December 2022 and following that date the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Signed: Robin Turner, Altarnun Parish Clerk, The Holly, School Hill, High Street, PL267TP

Date: 22nd November 2022

Tel: 07841780397


Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor
04 October 2022

Cllr Carl Green has resigned

Annual Parish Meeting 2022 Reports - Local organisations
01 June 2022

1st Altarnun Brownies

Established for for over 40 years and current Brownie leader Lyn Jones is now in her 30th year in charge. Our 7 to 10 year old young ladies are in good hands and having a great time undertaking many and varied activities such as instructional visits and joint initiatives with the Girl Guides. While only 9 on the register at present, Lyn is expectant of more joining shortly. 

Altarnun Twinning Association

1. Altarnun and Gueltas celebrated 10 years of Twinning in 2019 and the Anniversary exchange trip to Gueltas in September 2019 was the last formal Twinning Association visit before Covid regulations made it impossible to organise further exchanges.

2. The French are due to visit Altarnun in 2022 or 2023 but Brexit has made it more difficult for the French as they were able to enter UK on their Identity Cards pre-Brexit but now require a full passport which the majority of Gueltasiennes do not possess. It is likely that there will be a joint visit to somewhere in France rather than an exchange visit by the French to Altarnun in the immediate future.

3. There have been private visits by Dave and Gabby Maddison to the UK and Altarnun residents to Gueltas since restrictions eased.

4. Over the last two years considerable effort has been put into establishing a strong bond between the schools but Covid, staff changes at both schools and the need to help children in both schools to catch up after Covid lock downs has impacted progress.

5. As well as articles from Gueltas in Tre Pol Pen there are news articles in the Gueltas Bulletin from Altarnun. The Mairie in Gueltas receive a copy of Tre Pol Pen by post each month and are keen to promote the links between our communities.

6. The Twinning bond remains strong but both the ATA and Gueltas Jumelage organisations will need to adapt to the Post Brexit and Post Covid realities to maintain and strengthen links. The association has a small cash reserve but would need to fundraise to provide hospitality for the next exchange visit from the Gueltas.

Altarnun Walkers

1. The Altarnun walkers are a loose association of likeminded individuals who meet on a Thursday for a walk of about 4 miles usually within 10 miles of Altarnun.

2. The group has about 25 active members with most walks attracting 12-14 walkers.

3. From May 2021 – April 2022 there were only 4 walks lost to weather. The previous year over half of the walks were cancelled due to Covid.

4. The group remains strong and will continue as long as there are walk leaders.

Altarnun Local History Society

1. ALHS has 25 members and restarted regular monthly meetings in July 2021 following 15 meetings being cancelled because of Covid restrictions. The varied programme of speakers has proved popular with members there have been visitors from adjoining parishes at several meetings.

2. Finding good speakers at affordable rates remains a challenge for the Society but member evenings when members share the results of their own research are both popular and low cost.

3. Membership subs will need to increase in 2022-23 to cover increased costs but the society is confident that the level of local interest in history and varied programme will allow the association to thrive.

4. The association holds an archive of documents and photographs relating to the parish which is stored safely in the over stage storage area at the hall. There is also a digital archive stored securely in cloud storage consisting of scanned photographs and documents and computer files. Both archives require sorting and indexing. The archive is growing as residents find interesting pictures, press cuttings and documents and, through the ‘Altarnun in Old Pictures’ feature in Tre Pol Pen add information to archive records.

5. The association tries to ensure that old original documents are stored for the future and works with Cornwall Archives to ensure that important items are transferred to their archive stores for professional conservation and preservation. Scans and copies of any documents sent to Cornwall Archives are kept in the ALHS archive.

Tre Pol Pen – Altarnun Parish News

1. Established as an independent, paid for, community magazine in February 2006, it is both a parish newsletter carrying regular updates from clubs and societies and a source of entertainment with wide ranging general interest articles and a selection of puzzles.

2. The first pandemic lock down triggered a dip in sales, but they have returned to almost pre-pandemic levels during 2022 with a monthly print run of 180 copies.

3. Financially the magazine is secure. The policy that the magazine covers all its production costs from sales and advertising income with any profits going to reserves to deal with unanticipated events and provide support to community projects. The magazine has helped fund the Christmas lights in the village for the last few years and hopes to be able to continue to do so.

4. Printing costs have risen dramatically since February 2022 (ink and paper in particular) and a cover price and advertising rate increase is planned from January 2023 to ensure financial sustainability.

5. The magazine does need to strengthen its production team to ensure long term stability and, as current members of the team retire, continuity

Altarnun Village Hall

1. Following 2 years of severe disruption of village activities the hall has almost returned to its pre-pandemic level of bookings.

2. The provision of government grants for Covid disruption and the prudent management of the hall has ensured that the hall remains financially secure with cash reserves to ensure its long term viability.

3. The hall committee has ringfenced reserves in a sinking fund for long term major maintenance projects (hall roof and windows) and in a ‘Green Fund’ to allow the hall to migrate to a low carbon heating and lighting infrastructure in due course.

4. Funds have been set aside to refurbish the main porch in August this year (estimated £7000) following the successful refurbishment of the fire exit porch in 2021. Free reserves to meet unanticipated short term essential repairs etc are considered adequate.

5. The hall’s running costs (cleaning, utilities, insurances, routine maintenance) have increased substantially and, to comply with the long term policy of hire income covering the running costs of the hall, rates will increase in November 2022 from £5 per hour to, a still very competitive, £6 per hour.

6. The hall will continue to finance significant improvement and refurbishment projects by using a blend of reserves, project fundraising and grant funding in the most effective way.

7. The Village Hall committee continues to represent the user groups and with co-opted members and elected officers and maintains the hall to a high standard.

8. All routine maintenance, statutory inspections and health and safety inspections have been completed as scheduled intervals. There have been no accidents or incidents at the hall requiring intervention or having health or safety policy implications.

9. The hall sum insured has recently been checked and the policy adjusted to fully reflect rebuild costs.

10.As a charity, the hall’s statutory declarations and reporting to the Charity Commission are up to date.

11.The Village Hall committee is continuing to promote shows from Carn To Cove with the next being a shadow puppet show primarily for the school children in June. The Twisted Tales show on November 6th 2021 made a small profit which was allocated to the general reserve.

2021/22 Annual Parish Council Report
08 May 2022


I am pleased to report a successful year for the council and welcome three new councillors appointed during the year: Dan Wendon, Julie Vickery and Rob Anderson. My thanks go to the former councillors they replaced: Tom Hoskin, Leah Marsh and of course Neil Jasper who stepped down after many years of service at last years election.

Last years elections of course saw the re – election of Adrian Parsons with 51.1% of the vote for his role as Altarnun & Stoke Climsland ward councillor.

Thanks to his skills in being able to bring people together our council has benefitted by being able to network with other local town and parish councils more effectively and his motivational can-do work ethic is consistently demonstrated at our meetings which he continues to support without fail, despite an significantly increased work load.

Our successes have covered the established running of the new public convenience block, the Mill Green library where local volunteer engagement has been greatly appreciated, the Bolventor Bus shelter, our campaign for a safer junction at Plusha which has attracted the support of our neighbouring parishes as well as LTC.

Our web site appears to be a big success, gaining recognition with other parish councils looking to set up something similar and members of the public making contact for whatever reason and we are getting requests for our monthly newsletter.

We have also listened to our residents and supporters of the council throughout the year to make sure that Altarnun is in the running to be considered as a candidate for a 20mph speed limit and also supporting the community for better broadband services, hopefully both can come to fruition in due course.

Planning engagements maintained a high profile at our monthly meetings and I am pleased to report that the council gave support to 95.8% of the applications for which we were invited to make a consultee comment. The LPA generally followed suit.

Prudent management of our finances through our reserves policy and the continued receipt of Community Infrastructure Levy grant monies are proving important tools for us to help deliver improvements & support development of infrastructure in our parish. At the moment APC is in a good place financially.

My thanks go to my fellow councillors for their help, support and contributions throughout the year, all the team across Cornwall Council, our ever widening supplier base, which of course includes Anthony James who looks after Bolventor and Mr Paul Smart for the many hours of hard work in and around the parish maintaining the landscape, the parish cemetery, our footpath network, our defibrillator and other assets.

Finally with the defibrillator in mind I would like to thank Altarnun Village Show for their very kind donation of £250, towards it’s upkeep. We had to renew the pads this year– so this money was incredibly useful.

I hope, as a council, we can continue in the same vein as 2021/22 for the next 12 months. The next Parish Meeting will be held 3rd May 2023 at 7.30pm in Altarnun Village Hall (subject to any unforeseen amendment)

Cllr Craig Dowler

4th May 2022

Homes for Ukraine
04 April 2022

Cornwall like all other areas of the UK continues to be shocked and saddened by the harrowing stories of the war in Ukraine. Many of our residents have already provided practical support through the various national charities. Cornwall Council will work proactively with government to see how we can best provide support for the people of the Ukraine and support the government’s initiative to offer hospitality to refugees, given the harrowing situation they are facing.

Whilst details are now emerging about the schemes that are being put in place, given the complexity of the situation and the fact that this is a fast moving situation, we will keep you updated in the coming weeks as we receive more details from government. We will also be providing regular updates on the Council’s dedicated webpage: Support for the people of Ukraine - Cornwall Council.

Homes for Ukraine can be found here Homes for Ukraine – Homes for Ukraine – Local Sponsorship Scheme for Ukraine (

This scheme will open on Friday 18 March for visa applications from Ukrainians and immediate family members who already have named people willing to sponsor them. They do not need a family tie to take part in this scheme, but they must be sponsored by an individual or organisation in the UK.

So far more that 130,000 people across the country have registered for more information in the few short days since opening, which is brilliant news. You can record your interest as an individual or as an organisation (for example charity, business, community group). You can read details and FAQs first before recording your offer of support, and, once registered, you will be regularly updated as the scheme opens and develops. Some frequently asked questions are:

Who can apply to host a Ukrainian refugee?

People in the UK will be able to apply to host a refugee or refugees through the government website (homes for Ukraine) – link above.

You have to be able to host them in your own home or in another property, for at least six months.

Charities, businesses and community groups will also be able to apply.

Those offering to host a refugee will be vetted by the government and Ukrainian applicants will also undergo security checks before they are matched with a host.

The government says there will be no cap or upper limit on the number of Ukrainians who can come under this scheme.

Do you have to know the refugee you want to host?

No, you will not be required to know them in advance.

You don't have to name an individual or a family you want to host when you fill in the form. Once you submit it, you will be matched with Ukrainians who are seeking refugee in the UK.

It is not yet clear how and where the refugees wanting to come to the UK will be able to apply.

How will the scheme be funded?

Households in the UK will be offered £350 a month to open their homes to refugees.

The government has so far not specified whether this is the amount offered to hosts per refugee, but it is implied that this funding is per home offered.

Local authorities will also receive £10,500 in extra funding per refugee for support services, with more for children of school age.

What rights will the refugees have?

Ukrainians welcomed under the scheme will be eligible to work, access state benefits and public services for three years.

Sainsbury's, Marks & Spencer and Morrisons are among UK retailers who have offered to employ Ukrainian refugees.

The government has also said it will look at options to provide support to Ukrainian nationals who want to come to the UK with their pets.


All accommodation offered will be subject to the relevant safeguarding checks and will be carried out at a local level on a case by case basis.

The Ukraine Family Scheme Visa application process can be found hereApply for a Ukraine Family Scheme visa - GOV.UK (

The Ukraine Family Scheme opened from 4 March, allowing applicants to join family members or extend their stay in the UK.It is free to apply and so far, approximately 5500 visas have been granted. Successful applicantswill be able to live, work and study in the UK and access public funds.To apply to the Ukraine Family Scheme people must:

· be applying to join or accompany their UK-based family member; and

· be Ukrainian or the immediate family member of a Ukrainian national who is applying to the scheme; and

· have been residing in Ukraine on or immediately before 1 January 2022 (including those who have now left Ukraine

· There is a 24/7 free helpline +44 808 164 8810 (0808 164 8810 if you’re in the UK). If you cannot contact UK 0808 numbers, please use +44 (0)175 390 7510.

Vacancy in Role of Councillor - Co-Option
27 January 2022



The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors have not been received and the Council can now fill the casual vacancy by co-option..

The council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve provided they are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union, and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.

Provided the person also satisfies at least ONE of the following they may apply.

• They are registered as a local government elector for the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land, or premises in the parish.

• Their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it.

They must also be 18 years or older on the day they become nominated for election.

Written expressions of interest from persons wishing to serve as a councillor need to be submitted to the Clerk of the council within 21 days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays).

The closing date for the written submission interest is 25th February 2022 and following that date the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Signed: Robin Turner

Date: 27th January 2022

Altarnun Parish Clerk, The Holly, School Hill, High Street, PL267TP. Tel:07841780397

Vacancy in Role of Councillor - Co-Option
27 December 2021


The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that the regulation 10 requests from electors have not been received and the Council can now fill the casual vacancy by co-option..

The council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve provided they are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union, and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.

Provided the person also satisfies at least ONE of the following they may apply.

• They are registered as a local government elector for the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land, or premises in the parish.

• Their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it.

They must also be 18 years or older on the day they become nominated for election.

Written expressions of interest from persons wishing to serve as a councillor need to be submitted to the Clerk of the council within 21 days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays).

The closing date for the written submission interest is 26th January 2022 and following that date the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Signed: Robin TurnerDate: 27th December 2021

Altarnun Parish Clerk, The Holly, School Hill, High Street, PL267TP


Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor
23 December 2021

Councillor Vacancy

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor
26 November 2021

Councillor vacancy

Vacancy in Role of Councillor - Co-Option
27 July 2021


The Returning Officer of Cornwall Council has confirmed that there is vacancy following the recent election and the Council can now fill the vacancy by co-option.

The council may co-opt any person who is legally qualified to hold such office, and who is willing to serve provided they are a British citizen, or a citizen of the Commonwealth or the European Union, and are neither the subject of a bankruptcy restriction order or interim order or have, within five years before the day of the election, been convicted in the United Kingdom of any offence and have had a prison sentence (whether suspended or not) for a period of over three months without the option of a fine.

Provided the person also satisfies at least ONE of the following they may apply.

• They are registered as a local government elector for the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months occupied as owner or tenant, any land, or premises in the parish.

• Their principal or only place of work during the preceding twelve months has been in the parish.

• They have during the whole of the preceding twelve months resided in the parish or within 4.8 km of it.

They must also be 18 years or older on the day they become nominated for election.

Written expressions of interest from persons wishing to serve as a councillor need to be submitted to the Clerk of the council within 21 days of the date of this notice (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday, and Bank Holidays).

The closing date for the written submission interest is 25th August 2021 and following that date the council will fill the vacancy by co-option.

Signed: Robin Turner

Date: 27th July 2021

Altarnun Parish Clerk, 35 Chy Pons, St Austell PL25 5DH


Cornwall Councillor Adrian Parsons Report 2020 /21
05 June 2021

I sincerely thank all those within the Altarnun Parish that have helped and supported me over the last four years and now following the success at the election look forward to working with you all for another fours years trying to bring about and deliver improvements for all in the community.

The dynamics of Cornwall Council will now change with the Conservative group taking over control of the local authority which means the LDs, Independents, Labour and Green councillors will form the opposition. I’m sure we will endeavour to do our best to hold the Conservatives to account for the good of Cornwall and ensure they keep true to their pre election word that they won’t be increasing Council Tax!!

At a personal level it looks like I will remain on the East Cornwall and Strategic planning committees. Due to the increase in the size of the new division I have no desire to take on any more responsibility at this moment in time as I just need to firstly get a feel for the work load that will be attached.

Parish Dog Waste Bins - Please Note
20 May 2021

Cornwall Council have upgraded most of the waste bins in the Parish which means that bagged dog waste can now be deposited in ANY of the bins. It is hoped that it will make it easier for everyone to clear up after their charges.

Notice of Casual Vacancy to be filled by Co-Option
27 October 2020

Please apply to the clerk - contact details above

Notice of Casual Vacancy to be filled by Co-Option
27 August 2020

Please apply to the clerk.

Notice of Casual Vacancy to be filled by Co-Option
27 July 2020

Please apply to the clerk

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor
13 July 2020

For further information please contact the Clerk.

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor
17 June 2020

Catherine Richards has ceased to be a parish councillor, thus a casual vacancy exists on Altarnun Parish Council. The Retuning Officer of Cornwall Council official notice, of such, is posted in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972. Responses are invited.

Public Access Defibrilator Operating Instructions
04 June 2020

iPublic Access Defibrilator quick reference guide

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Parish Councillor 2019
29 August 2019

Casual Vacancy August 2019