Altarnun Parish Council July 2024 Meeting Report

The July Altarnun Parish Council meeting was full of positive notes.

Cornwall Councillor Parsons started the ball rolling when advising Cornwall Council have agreed a budget to increase the number of local authority dwellings in order to rehouse homeless families. Whilst at present these are to be delivered in the larger population areas, the initiative must surely create a positive knock on effect for the more rural areas. There is also a perceived cost saving in the plan which can only be a good thing for us, the tax payer.

The clerk advised that the Riverside public conveniences had reopened after a fantastic facelift to create a more efficient entrance. Once again, the Parish Council expressed it’s apologies for the enforced closure during a peak summer month but the works which were completed to an exemplary standard are for the long term good for this crucial local amenity.

Elsewhere in the meeting the clerk also reported that significant progress had been made in getting traction on the Parish Council’s request to take on the maintenance of the green at Penpont View. Cornwall Council are in course of considering the applications and are due to issue an update in the near future outlining the way forward.

Councillors took their usual considered view on planning applications in respect of four locations. Amended plans for works at Rooks Corner Treween, including a new Cornish rag slate roof found favour. Likewise plans to scale down development at Trecollas Cottage were supported, as was the change of use of a shepherds hut sited at T’wit T’woo, Trewint, to create a holiday let. Finally, after defining the scale of a proposed new agricultural building at Ross Down Farm, agreement was reached to support a development to provide flexibility and much needed additional capacity within this farming enterprise.

The meeting heard that National Highways should be back in touch now the General Election is over, to recommence discussions over the plans for the A30 between Kennards House and Altarnun. It is agreed amongst the parishes that local voices must be heard and that any safety upgrades must avoid the risk of diverting traffic through the villages at all costs. There is a fear hanging in the air at present but there is a determination afoot to influence and demand major works to avoid potential devastation. It is acknowledged that exceptional co-ordination to face up to the government company will be necessary to produce a win.

In conclusion to the meeting it was confirmed the next parish council meeting will be held on 7th August 2024 at 7.30pm in Altarnun Village Hall. So, in order you can influence what happens in your community please do come along and have your say. All are very welcome.