07841 780397
The Little Red Bus
Launceston Community Transport Partnership (LCTP)provide a Dial-a-Ride service for all ages from villages, hamlets and communities in and around Launceston.
The Little Red Bus is pleased to announce that we have re-commenced activities.
Our initial service offering is the weekly service to Bodmin, every Monday, pick up times Launceston 0900, Tregadillett 0910, Lewannick
0926, Five Lanes 0937. To Asda + other venues in Bodmin.
On the last Wednesday of the month North Hill Village Hall has an afternoon get together. We provide a service for that, Tregadillett,
Lewannick, etc.
We are planning other excursions and days out, open to ideas and group trips to anywhere. Let's get out and about again!
Tel: 01566 777960
Web: www.littleredbus.org.uk - Please note the site is in course of moving and whilst the message says services are suspended - this is wrong!!!